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Bree Despain Bio
The Short Version
Bree Despain is the award-winning author of the Dark Divine trilogy and the Into The Dark trilogy. Bree rediscovered her childhood love for creating stories when she took a semester off college to write and direct plays for at-risk teens. She writes YA, MG, and dabbles in Picture Books. Her novels have been published in over twenty countries. Bree is a current student at Vermont College of Fine Arts, studying writing for children and young adults. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her husband, two sons, her three beloved cats, and the world's most adorable dog. She enjoys stand-up paddle boarding and baking French macarons.
The Long Version
Bree Despain is the award-winning author of the Dark Divine trilogy and the Into The Dark trilogy. As a kid, Bree would staple folded papers to make her own "novels." As a teen, she wrote stories in notebooks while her friends waited for the next page to be finished. Her teachers told her she should be a writer. But Bree thought only special people could be writers, so as the years past, she settled into the idea of becoming a lawyer instead.​
Bree rediscovered her childhood love for creating stories when she took a semester off college to write and direct plays for at-risk, inner city teens from Philadelphia and New York. With a renewed passion for story and the young adult audience, she returned to school, filled her schedule with creative writing and literature classes, and started writing stories again. But regular life kicked in, and she soon found herself married with a new baby, working full-time, and with very little writing done.​
That’s when the universe threw a pick-up truck in her path. The car accident left Bree with an understanding that life was too short to not do what you absolutely love. A few days later, her husband brought home a used laptop computer, placed it by her bedside, and said, “You’d better start writing.” Her life has never been the same since.​​
In a moment of karmic perfection, Bree received the offer to purchase her debut novel, The Dark Divine, on the 6th anniversary of the car accident that put her back on the path to becoming an author.​
Since then, Bree has published six novels and multiple short stories and essays. Some of her books have published in over twenty countries and have been in the top 25 books on Amazon. Bree is currently a MFA student at Vermont College of Fine Arts, studying writing for children and young adults. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her husband, two sons, three cats, and a gigantic labradoodle.
Publisher Contact
Lerner Publishing Group
Carolrhoda Labs
1251 N Washington Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55401
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